New restaurants, including La Barbecue and Mighty Cone, joined Q2 Stadium for the upcoming season. Austin FC held a tasting open to media to preview the foods these new restaurants will serve fans.
directeur du Mossad, Yoav Kisch, ministre de l'Éducation, Benny Gantz, chef du Parti Unité Nationale et ancien ministre de la Défense, Yair Golan, leader du Parti des Démocrates, Yuli ...
Israël continue cependant de maintenir une présence sur cinq points stratégiques le long de la frontière du côté libanais. Dans une rare révélation des tactiques du Mossad, M. Barnea a fo ...
«Cette opération a marqué un tournant dans le nord (d’Israël), au cours duquel nous avons retourné la situation vis-à-vis de nos ennemis», a déclaré le chef du Mossad, David ...
And because the entertainment industry’s favorite idea these days is to bring back popular brands by any means necessary, last night brought with it the debut of Suits LA on USA’s sister ...
Speaking of which, the cast of Suits LA is made up of quite a few memorable faces, many of whom you’re bound to recognize from other beloved shows. And as an added bonus, there’s even an OG ...
By Leila Cobo Chief Content Officer Latin/Español, Billboard Back in September of 2021, during the Billboard Latin Music Awards in Miami, Paquita la del Barrio — all 4 feet, 11 inches of her ...
Mossad chief David Barnea waded into a public fight between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defense minister on Tuesday, defending the former’s decision to hold off on the ...
Except the dry cleaner who comes to meet the former president in his backyard isn’t carrying a suit; his name is Natan, and he has intel from Mossad about a massive cyberattack against the U.S ...
A high-profile lineup of speakers is expected, including Mossad Director David Barnea, Education Minister Yoav Kisch, National Unity Party head and former defense minister Benny Gantz, Democrats ...