Actress Ashley Sutton has been one of the few who’s known that for months. This season she joined the cast as Hannah, a ...
Tail flat: A deer that holds its tail flat against its body is typically hiding and aware of a threat at close range. The ...
One is eligible for the Kodiak Bear Resistant Garbage Can Loaner Program if you live in bear habitat within the Flathead Indian Reservation and self-haul your garbage to the Lake County Transfer ...
A single Kodiak Brown Bear has been the subject of numerous calls to the Kodiak Police Department over the last week. Police say the bear hasn’t created a nuisance and ...
According to the FWC, the black bear population has come back from just several hundred bears in the 1970s to over 4,000 ...
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is considering the state's first black bear hunt in 10 years as the population rises.
A predator-control program in Western Alaska, recently ruled unconstitutional, is needed to boost the ailing Mulchatna ...
We were technically waiting for bears, but we found something different: peace, solitude and harmony with the wilderness.
CO Jeremy Woinarowicz (Thief River Falls West) received his first nuisance-bear complaints of the season. Homeowners are ...
Actor Kevin Costner has reconnected with his ex-wife Cindy Silva Costner to help him get through the pain of his divorce from ...
Colorado experienced record-high volumes of conflict between bears and humans last year. While human-bear conflict increased ...