“The roles that we’re called into are not only important and valuable on a personal level, but it’s also critical to carry out God’s command to bring his kingdom to Earth as it is in ...
In this year celebrating the virtue of Christian hope, may the words and example of Pope Francis in the midst of suffering ...
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. The transformation is also visible in local congregations. At one church distributing food to 800 individuals weekly, SCRAP ...
The truth about Heaven and Hell is spelled out plainly in Scripture, and God wants you to believe it! "Without faith it is ...
After releasing a Christian album last year, Dennis Quaid has now released a musical version of the Lord’s Prayer ...
There are places on earth that bring us close to the divine. One of those places is beside the Mustang. @the.touch.of.a.mustang #saveamericaswildhorses #protectmustanghorses #mustangtherapy # ...
Lawlessness is tied to the spirit of rebellion. Open borders without lawful vetting and due process laws regarding regulation ...
Many of us have been experiencing a lot of concern, confusion, and even hopelessness about the current events in our country. I hope the following words will help you to ...
The Pharisees saw Jesus as an enemy because his words went against their strict interpretations of the law, interpretations ...
The cry of the rooster was one of the most familiar sounds in the life cycle of a first-century person, as common as the ...
Every heart needs hope in the face of the challenges of everyday life and the fears and uncertainties of the world.