Jim Leyland throws out the first pitch ahead of Tigers vs. Pirates, the two teams he managed the longest, at Spring Training ...
Former Detroit Tigers manager Jim Leyland is a Hall of Famer, after last July’s induction, and — as he is quick to remind ...
“Yes,” he said. I spent some time on the left-field berm as fans sprawled out on the grass and soaked up the sun. I saw Jim ...
Dillon Dingler hit a monster homer, one of three blasts by the Tigers in an 8-8 tie with the Pittsburgh Pirates on Friday ...
I saw Jim Leyland be Jim Leyland, posing for pictures with fans behind home plate. Some people stood above the bullpen, watching the Tigers warm up; I just stood there, loving every second of it.
Josh Rawitch watched in amazement how becoming a Hall of Famer touched Jim Leyland, from the tears in his eyes upon arriving and meeting the staff in Cooperstown, N.Y., to getting choked up while ...
Verlander's Hall of Fame career has included a few seasons where he looked mortal. He's always come back a super human after ...
The Hall of Fame made some small adjustments to its veterans committee system to limit people with relatively little support ...
Are they still one of the best teams in the sport? Or are they flawed, or not quite built for October — and staring at a ...