Hall went on to say that he felt as though God chose him to be a leader in the world, and that he coped with the copycats by ...
Lex Renick, an influencer who de-transitioned after finding God, shares her story and warns parents to protect their children ...
Andrea Brett, whose family performed in Branson for more than 20 years, wrote a song for the new Church of Jesus Christ of ...
We sell our faith short, and so we sell our Lent short. At least I do. I have spent most of my life thinking of the faith as ...
Why would we want a higher doctrine of scripture than we have of Jesus?
The Marvel Ranch is perfect for those who love wonderful food that sticks to your ribs. The Israelites in the desert had ...
Tonight’s Gemstones is all about power and how the family wields it to dominate each other and the greater evangelical ...
ONTARIO — Ontario Firefighter Mark Saito retired in January, following 25 years of service to the community. Saito was born ...
Foreman, who grew up in Houston's fifth ward, founded the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in 1980. He grew up in Houston's Fifth Ward, the fifth ...
Jeremy Shelton is not your typical church planter. In fact, he describes himself as an “unexpected international minister on ...
This free Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus printable is perfect to print out and use during the month of June to celebrate ...
Catholic Stickers: From Catholic Family Crate, these “Pray by Sticker” books are huge favorites of my children, and the ...