who are jointly called Alaska Natives, can be divided into five major groupings: Aleuts, Northern Eskimos (Inupiat), Southern Eskimos (Yuit), Interior Indians (Athabascans) and Southeast Coastal ...
Yugu Alfred Ningeok is the son of a whaling captain and a member of an Inupiat whaling crew. An umiak, or skin boat, carries a small team in pursuit of a whale. Hear more about camping on sea ice ...
or “Iñulaam savaaģikpuaŋ Nunaaqqim suaŋŋatigigaa!” Pearl Brower, the president of the Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation, said that to her, the theme meant taking initiative to improve things.
The local Inupiat turned for help to an unlikely source—the National ... Hunting is banned in most national parks. But Alaska has been governed by special rules ever since 1980, when an act of ...
called it “the last gasp of a failed administration trying to crush Alaska and silence the voices of the Inupiat people who actually live on the North Slope.” The recommendations for ...
Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski is clamoring ... caribou herd that summers and calves along the coastal plain. The Inupiat are well aware from where the money, the jobs, the school, the power ...