There is a wide variety of dahlias to fit any garden niche. Start tubers in pots indoors now to encourage early flower ...
Plant the Seeds When the weather warms and temperatures are consistently above 70°F, scatter zinnia seeds over prepared ...
This stunning purple flowering plant was once a garden favorite. But it's secretly invasive and even illegal in many states, ...
Plant behavior may seem rather boring compared with the frenetic excesses of animals. Yet the lives of our vegetable friends, ...
In this week's Gardening Update, Carol talks abouthow caring for plants in your home can positively impact your emotional well being.
Cheerful, daisy-like cosmos are a must-have for all gardeners and cut flower enthusiasts! Slender, feathery stems are topped ...
Looking for houseplants with a little more colour? These flowering species are your solution and come in every colour you ...
Plants shape Earth’s atmosphere by moving carbon and water vapour. New research sheds light on how they learned to do it – ...
Considering soil and weather conditions, regional gardening zones and care requirements will make your flower planting goals ...
Everyone loves pretty flowers, and now is the best time to plant one specific one - so make sure to get sowing your seeds now ...
If you want to brighten up your garden with some sun-loving flowers, then today is the perfect time to plant them - so get ...
What makes a house a cozy home is the atmosphere we create within it. People set this atmosphere with various designs and decorations that reflect their personality, preferences, and style. Warm color ...