Mathematicians once turned up their noses at imaginary numbers. But complex analysis actually simplifies math and physics.
The imaginary number i depicts a number that somehow when ... Euler’s 1740 formula. With decent algebra skills, you can manipulate Euler’s formula to see that most of the standard ...
The imaginary number i depicts a number that somehow when ... Euler's 1740 formula. With decent algebra skills, you can manipulate Euler's formula to see that most of the standard trigonometric ...
Masaki Kashiwara received the honor, often regarded as the Nobel Prize in mathematics, for work that combined different mathematical fields to solve challenging problems.
A general solution to the cubic equation was long considered impossible, until we gave up the requirement that math reflect reality. Greenland lawmakers form a new government on the eve of Vance ...
By proving a broader version of Hilbert’s famous 10th problem, two groups of mathematicians have expanded the realm of mathematical unknowability.
The trees themselves—fields within the wider subject of math —are strong and ... As we get to more abstract number systems, which might include imaginary numbers, unique factorization might ...
With decent algebra skills, you can manipulate Euler's formula to see that most of the standard trigonometric formulas used to measure a triangle's length or angle become a snap. Euler's formula ...