With no refunds and no guarantees at estate sales there’s no going back, so spend unwisely and you could come to regret it.
Some owners knew of its alleged origins with John Wooden.The "Wizard of Westwood" remains most known for his coaching brilliance at UCLA, including an unprecedented 10 national championships. As even ...
Neff found photos of Wooden from his ... from its 10-point scale for small holes (moths took a few nibbles over the years), loose lettering and light stains. It graded the piece A9.
These included posts of the members, past performances and photos of a touring case washing ... and as such has its own indelible stain on the bedsheet of Western culture,” the band said of ...
said shading in black-and-white photos of Wooden from that era satisfied his standards. MEARS deducted one point from its 10-point scale for small holes (moths took a few nibbles over the years), ...
It’s the time of year to keep your eyes peeled for browntail moth webs, as they’re more active as the weather warms.
Sumshitifound, the Brooklyn shop Lange has run since 2019, is full of this sort of torn, moth-eaten – and what ... a 1970s hoodie with a few paint stains, a white T-shirt that is more hole ...
The Beta Band, as everyone knows, is an institution, like Arkham, or the Brooklyn Zoo, and as such has its own indelible stain on the bedsheet ... want to know what the moths did.” ...
The band said: "The Beta Band, as everyone knows, is an institution, like Bedlam, or the RSPCA, and as such has its own indelible stain on the ... want to know what the moths did.' ...