Leisure is not at all straightforward or easy. I have no interest in frittering away a minute of my day on fruitless pursuits ...
Let them remember, however, that prayer should accompany the reading of Sacred Scripture, so that a dialogue takes place between God and man. For we speak to him when we pray; we listen to him ...
A new name, logo and color palette for Oglebay were unveiled Friday as part of the park’s rebrand focused on brand and ...
A new name, logo and color palette for Oglebay were unveiled on Friday as part of the park’s rebrand focused on brand and ...
These professing Christians cloak liberal activism in a thin veneer of Christianese, ultimately posing a greater risk than ...
Niko Hales has had an impressive first season at BYU, proving he has the potential to be a key contributor for years to come.
As you listen, take what you hear to prayer. If the choir is singing hymns that you find insufficiently orthodox or ...
March 25 is the deadline to submit letters to the editor about the April 1 election. Here is this week’s letter to the editor ...
In the book called “Kingdom Values” author Tony Evans talks about Exploring the Truths of Scripture, so that people are going ...
St. Joseph, you embody all the virtues I hope to attain through God’s grace. I rely on your intercession and your guidance as ...
The Church through sacred scripture gives us three primary tools for Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. In our Lenten ...