After the birth, Haneen was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis, which is a severe ... "I feel helpless, hopeless, left alone in this struggle and no one is looking at us with a heart, with ...
Lofving tried to get help from the German consulate in Los Angeles and said she felt hopeless as her friend ... tries to prescribe her anti-psychotic medicine. She refuses the medicine.
Is your therapist judgy? A tattletale? A bully? Spot these red flags before you sit on the couch. All healing starts from a safe space ...
For years, mental health was either ignored or misunderstood. Today, however, it is one of the most discussed topics in ...
A depressive episode may be the opposite, where you feel hopeless with a low activity ... there are usually no episodes of psychosis unless they have a coexisting condition. If you live with ...
In some instances, severe mania may trigger a psychotic break (a break from reality ... People with bipolar II disorder may feel deeply depressed and hopeless for extended periods.
Confusion can occur alongside depression and anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders like schizophrenia ... 15. Feeling Helpless or Hopeless Feeling hopeless or helpless are signs of depression, ...
A son or daughter is finally ready to seek help for a depression that has them thinking of suicide or a psychosis that has alienated them ... the only doctors are out-of-network. They feel hopeless ...
Being a hopeless romantic was the kind of thing that girls were told to pursue in a man. We were told that hopeless romantics would shower us with romantic gifts, watch The Notebook with us ...
Unveiling the video of his new single in Lagos, Chidon said the essence of his music is to ‘give hope to the hopeless. “My song has come to stay in Nigeria. It is to bring hope to the hopeless.