The tomb of the ‘evil’ Mughal king is 500 km from the Maharashtra city that is under curfew. Here’s where history’s other bad men are buried, from Genghis Khan to Pol Pot to Hitler to Idi Amin ...
The bodies pile up in Gaza, broken and charred, buried beneath the rubble of a war that isn’t about justice, security, or even revenge. Over 400 dead in a ...
The Connecticut Democracy Center held the Connecticut History Day Norwich Regional Contest at NFA Saturday. Here's several of ...
Americans love past presidents and hate Adolf Hitler. Recent presidents, though, are seen through a partisan lens. We live in ...
Aki Ra join­ed Pol Pot's mur­der­ous Khmer Rouge army at the age of nine. Twenty years later he roams the mine­field | dG1fMnoxZlBVYkI2WHM Canada retaliates after Trump confirms 25pc tariffs ...
[G]iven the history of murderous communist regimes like Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China and Pol Pot’s Cambodia, it is tempting to infer that Marx encouraged tyranny. But Marx did not ...
A dictator is, by definition, a coward. Such a claim says nothing new. History has a list of such despots. Pol Pot, Mussolini, Kurunmi, Caligula, Nero. They are impotent without arms and state power.
Black women in the Diaspora need to do a rethink on the abortion issue precisely because no ethic group can shrink its way to greatness. Lenrod Nzulu Baraka is the founder of Afro Caribbean Spiritual ...