Marea Britanie ia în considerare trimitea avioanelor de luptă ale ForÈ›elor Aeriene Regale Britanice ca să ofere sprijin ...
Vântul puternic din TimiÈ™oara a provocat pagube semnificative joi, doborând copaci, semafoare È™i stâlpi. Pompierii, ...
Meteorologii au prelungit avertizările de vreme rea până marÅ£i ÅŸi anunţă frig, ploi abundente, lapoviță È™i ninsoare, inclusiv ...
România îÈ™i consolidează perspectivele de hub energetic pe harta Europei pentru o energie mai sigură, mai ieftină È™i mai curată, prin participarea la proiectul Coridorul Verde, a scris, luni, ...
Romania’s right-wing presidential frontrunner was barred from the race under criminal charges he compares to those President Donald Trump faced. "We are faced with a communist regime as well ...
The far-right frontrunner in Romania’s presidential vote has been barred from running in May’s election, in an explosive decision that sparked violence on the streets of Bucharest and came ...
By Andrew Higgins Calin Georgescu, an ultranationalist candidate who won the first round of Romania’s abruptly aborted presidential election last year, has been barred from competing in a do ...
Romania’s central election authority barred far-right candidate Calin Georgescu from competing in May’s presidential election re-run, not the European Union, contrary to misleading posts ...
Romania, a country on Europe’s eastern fringe, is perhaps a surprising focus of attention for a new US administration whose foreign policy priorities include ending the war in Ukraine, reshaping ...
Far-right movements and presidential hopeful Calin Georgescu are gaining traction in Romania, reflecting a shift toward nationalism and socially conservative ideologies. A protest in front of ...