Global ratings agency Moody's upgraded Greece's rating to "Baa3" from "Ba1" on Friday, citing quicker-than-expected ...
A village in Central Greece defies the demographic crisis in the country by boasting extended families with many children.
A monumental tomb found near Corinth has revealed several burials, along with artifacts reflecting its later use as a healing ...
Greece is riding a weather "rollercoaster", with weekend temperatures spiking to a record high for March, just ahead of a ...
Cruising in Greece scored a record high in 2024, bringing eight million passengers to 49 Greek destinations, industry experts ...
Clashes have broken out in Greece’s two largest cities as protesters hurled gasoline bombs and flares outside parliament.
Greece's former parliament speaker Constantine Tassoulas, a lawyer and lawmaker of the centre-right ruling party, was sworn ...
Greece will spend more than 25 billion euros in arms procurements by 2036, including new submarines, drones, satellites and ...
Share your adventure Tell us about one favorite part — a restaurant, a hike, a monument, a hotel room — of one of your trips.
Greece has pledged that a major underwater electricity cable project connecting Greece with Cyprus and Israel by the end of ...
Greece is riding a weather "rollercoaster", with weekend temperatures spiking to a record high for March just ahead of a ...
Veteran conservative lawmaker Constantine Tassoulas has been sworn in as Greece’s new president, replacing Katerina ...