Periods of happiness are empty pages in history,” he wrote in his Introduction to the Philosophy of History, “for they are ...
The Good Place teaches us a lot about what it means to be a better person. Here are some of our favorite lessons from the ...
Ancient Greek concepts of Philia Sophia (love of wisdom) and Philia Nikia (love of victory) illustrate contrasting approaches ...
Socrates, the Cynics and Plato's Academy, yet the core beliefs are just as fresh and valid as they were over 2000 years ago.
Whereas Hegel’s critics largely promoted individualism, the famous author of The Phenomenology of the Spirit taught that fitting into society is generally the best path to a good life.
Butler received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at a graduation ceremony from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences on ...
A life worth living, then, is one that fully experiences the present and experiments with new ways of being. Deleuze’s ethics ...
The best wisdom on how to lead your life doesn't always come from religious leaders or philosophers -- some entrepreneurs can ...
Regret is a universal human experience, a lingering shadow of the past that can haunt our present. Yet, is it possible to ...
Growing up with very little shapes your outlook on life by instilling a deep sense of gratitude in you. It teaches you to ...
central to his philosophy, is often overshadowed by his more empirical observations. In his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle dedicates significant attention to the role of friendship in a good life.
Margaret Noble is a visual artist and educator whose work is featured alongside more than 20 other artists in “Land and Sea: Selections from the Collection” at the Museum of Contemporary Art San ...