Half a million barrels of toxic waste lurking beneath the waves just miles from California’s coastline sounds like the plot ...
From security and privacy concerns to good old-fashioned cringe, there are all kinds of reasons you might want to delete your ...
Former Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen and former Slovenian prime minister Janez Jansa yesterday voiced their ...
Venting, however, often goes beyond reflection into rumination. The study suggests that many people also try to exorcize ...
Male chimpanzees in Côte d’Ivoire’s Taï National Park use distinct “auditory gestures” to attract females. However, ...
President Donald Trump's administration on Sunday began mass layoffs at Voice of America and other US-funded media.
These are the historic food stores with inspiring stories, jaw-dropping architecture and some of the most amazing food and ...
Kristiansand has another motive for its defence of democracy and the right to freedom, as it is the location of the Human ...
The Works Council and IG Metall union are just as unwilling to defend Ford auto worker jobs in Cologne as they were in ...
Explore the diversity and characteristics of ancient Greek dialects and understand their impact on the evolution of the Greek ...