That’s exactly what happened to one mum, who unwittingly conducted a social experiment when her car battery gave up on her at the worst possible moment. Posting on Reddit, user u/perki_s ...
No longer must you interact with your fellow human beings if your car battery goes flat in the carpark. You can jump the car yourself, with a compact device that fits in your glovebox.
If your car battery is completely flat, the starter motor will only make a dreaded clicking sound – and the engine will not start. Older batteries in particular are considerably stressed in ...
it is likely a sign of a flat battery. A dead battery can quickly turn your day into a non-starter, but with proper care, you ...
It might have been a long time since you last had to grapple with a flat car battery, but when it does happen it can be a major inconvenience. Unable to start your car can ruin your day ...
You can’t go anywhere with a flat battery, which is why it’s important to give it all the TLC it needs to keep you safe on the road.” ...