Flagstaff usually hits the mid-70s around May but temperatures are near records Tuesday as they hit 70 degrees. There was a brief break from fire danger in the High Country after seeing high ...
The maps are part of a 40-year-old program in which the state Forestry and Fire Protection Department, or Cal Fire, periodically documents areas that are most prone to having a wildfire within the ...
The updated maps take into account California’s fire history, local weather patterns, terrain and new models showing how embers can travel miles away from a forest fire, spreading the danger ...
While some Redding residents worry about losing fire insurance coverage, the state recently release new fire hazard severity ...
elevated fire danger is expected to return Tuesday, with "very high" to "extreme" risk— the highest of five levels — projected across at least 200 of Texas’ 254 counties, according to a map ...
With a few notable areas where the orange and red tide receded, like the hills above Berkeley and Oakland, territory deemed ...
fire-safe building codes increased 76% in Southern California areas protected by local firefighters, new state hazard maps released Monday, March 24, show.” The number in the highest tier, the “very ...