In just seven, short weeks, the traitor, Donald Trump, has crashed the economy, taken us to the brink of recession, wrecked ...
Archaeologists uncovered five puppet-like figurines at a site in El Salvador that was inhabited by an unknown ancient culture. Clay figurines unearthed in El Salvador may be puppets whose poses ...
These giant puppets, animated by the dancers who wear them, are called mojigangas (moh-he-GAHN-gahs). In other parts of Mexico, they are sometimes known by names that are variations of giant or doll.
The inclusivity and ethical sensitivity of the twenty-four-day cultural party boldly touches on many serious topical ...
Garbage in Garbage out. How do we know? In the real world Antarctic sea ice is at record highs ...
There’s big money and a degree of "fame" for growers of giant pumpkins. That’s why Worland's Jay Richard and "pumpkings" of the world gathered at the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth International Grower’s ...
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