By the time the girl was admitted to hospital, her hair was brittle, her skin was flaking, and she was so malnourished that ...
Since early February, plus-size content creator Tania Piombino, aka @taniamakeuplus on Instagram, has been enjoying the sun and heavenly landscapes of Cambodia alongside her boyfriend. It’s not just ...
A YOUNG woman has revealed that her ex dumped her to ‘work on himself’ so she made sure to get her own back and do the same. On a mission to improve her looks and confidence, Chloe White, a blonde ...
The former glamour model, 46, explained how eating the wrong foods had left her 'puffy' and people got used to seeing her 'bigger' over recent years.
The weight of being a Hollywood star can take a toll on a person’s weight.In an industry obsessed with physical appearance, a ...