The coach after yet another success: "Now it's up to us to make all this amazing, remembering that the revs should never be ...
Lo scozzese finora è stato prezioso in zona gol (già 7 le marcature stagionali), ma anche nelle vesti di assistman e in fase ...
SASSUOLO "Head to Bari". Once the euphoria has worn off, this is the mantra of the week that Fabio Grosso's Sassuolo is ...
After a period of great instability, Fabio Grosso was sacked as OL coach in November 2023 with a series of consistently worrying matches. Pierre Sage, who was director of Lyon’s training center ...
The black-green coach does not want any drop in tension after the fundamental victory against Inzaghi: "Let's stay focused" ...
La sconfitta contro il Como, costata il sorpasso in classifica dell'Inter, ha acceso la spia rossa dopo i segnali delle ...
Il Sassuolo by Fabio Grosso, in this season of B, has already grabbed the record of consecutive victories at home: it belonged to a Dominant in name, a dominant in fact has taken it by force. Others ...
La sconfitta contro il Como, costata il sorpasso in classifica dell'Inter, ha acceso la spia rossa dopo i segnali delle ultime sfide. Pesano gli infortuni e il mercato di gennaio, ma anche le mosse di ...