Pad Pilot News has helped pilots discover over 100 quality aviation apps since the invention of the iPad in 2010. Here we've ...
Introducing a 2010 NXi Platform Phenom 100. Served its purposes for the current owner, who is now looking to transition their aviation platform. Call Jordan at (231) 578-3942 for more information.
This 2023 Phenom 100EV is configured for use in the U.S. and Europe. With low flight hours, this professionally flown head-turner has always been hangared, ensuring it remains in excellent condition.
Apply a binary threshold using cv2.threshold(), setting pixels above the threshold to white and below it to black. Count the area of black pixels and extract the image size.
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.