A California couple told plain-clothed officers they were smuggling a sea turtle skull, hunted mountain lion and their family ...
California Department of Fish and Wildlife officers found mountain lion claws and other illegally ... reached in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California on April 23, 2024 ...
The findings are evidence the species – also known as mountain lion, catamount and puma ... but other states on the eastern edge of current cougar range as well," Johnson said.
The claws found in the Chico home were likely from a third mountain lion, Halverson ... offices and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California helped investigate and prosecute ...
Travel will be impacted along major highways, including I-70, I-25 and mountain ... lion starting Monday afternoon with a powerful and chaotic storm system prompting a blizzard warning for the ...
The search in Butte County turned up mountain lion claws, an illegal spike buck, a ringtail cat and a barn owl mount, both protected species, and several unlawfully taken deer with tagging violations.
The eastern cougar goes by many names: mountain lion, puma, panther, catamount, American lion, and mishibijn, an Ojibwa term. Mountain lions hold the distinction of being the largest wild cat in North ...