The hemlock woolly adelgid has invaded two more Michigan counties, threatening trees in 11 counties total. VAN BUREN COUNTY, ...
The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) announced Tuesday they have confirmed new detections of ...
Two infected trees were found in Van Buren State Park, marking the eleventh county in Michigan with evidence of the invasive ...
Eastern hemlock trees are a vital foundation species in Pennsylvania forests, supporting the ecosystem and enhancing aesthetics. The hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), an invasive insect, poses a ...
A dwarf mulberry tree will provide you with delicious berries, but it has some disadvantages. You might be surprised about ...
The dwarf nana pomegranate is a small shrub that thrives in hotter climates, and will fit into your home as easily as a statuesque tree. This particular variety produces pretty flowers that attract ...
Hemlock woolly adelgid is an invasive insect in New York Hemlock trees serve an important role in preserving waterways and species that live there. An invasive insect is threatening one of the ...
Originating in southern Japan and first detected in the United States near Richmond, Virginia, in 1951, the hemlock woolly adelgid is now found from Alabama and Georgia to Maine and into eastern Nova ...
siphoning mouthparts to extract sap from hemlock trees. An infestation often causes needles and buds to die, slowing growth and leading to a grayish-green appearance. According to state ...