Tick season is in full swing, and while the warmer weather invites more outdoor adventures, it also increases the risk of ...
Here is a guide to help you identify the differences and similarities between engorged deer and dog ticks. We will also guide ...
Ticks cover the ears and back of this dog in Mexico, where the disease has become an urban epidemic in some areas.
These collars can protect your dog from tick bites and tick-borne diseases and keep them comfortable during the heat of tick season. Plus, a tick-free dog increases your chances of staying tick ...
BILLINGS — A Bozeman hunter’s bird dog has alerted health officials to the possibility that the tick that carries Lyme ...
The mouthpart is what a tick uses to bite and latch onto you or your pets ... In the foreground is the mouthpart of an American dog tick, and to the rear is a lone star tick mouthpart. A tick’s mouth ...
Safe and effective flea and tick treatments include topical spot-ons, chewable tablets, shampoos, and collars. Many dog flea medicines ... irritated skin from flea bites and constant scratching.
These pests are found throughout the state in both wooded and grassy areas. American dog tick bites have led to only small numbers of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia cases in recent ...
After being plucked from the dog’s neck, the tick was given to the ... “The best way to prevent tickborne illnesses is to prevent tick bites. This includes performing regular tick checks ...