Journalists accurately reported that the führer was a “Little Man” whom the whole world was laughing at. It didn’t matter.
Laut Statistischem Bundesamt lag der Median des Nettoäquivalenzeinkommens 2024 bei monatlich 2296,33 Euro. Um das Doppelte zu ...
Unlike the Japanese carrier fleet, the Kriegsmarine envisioned using the Graf Zeppelin in a support capacity for the wider ...
On March 23, the Reichstag delegates met across the street from the burned ruins of the Reichstag in the Kroll Opera House.
Former Russian President Medvedev compared Friedrich Merz, Germany's likely next chancellor, to Nazi propaganda chief Joseph ...
Opinion: Weaponizing the Holocaust and suffering of the Jewish people for modern political debates is not only inaccurate but ...
Claims on the Guelph Treasure stretch back nearly two decades, and Germany’s plans to change how restitutions are evaluated ...
How Nazi Germany Borrowed from American Racism. Throughout history, racist ideologies and legal frameworks have crossed ...
Former NFL quarterback and currently unemployed sports analyst Robert Griffin III went viral on social media for suggesting ...
Wie im Armuts- und Reichtumsbericht der Regierung erläutert wird, gilt man als einkommensreich, wenn man das doppelte des ...
Dorothy Thompson saw the rise of Nazi Germany as a foreign correspondent in Berlin. A new series from Radio Diaries tells the ...