The independent film was a complete flop when it was first released in 1975. Audiences didn't initially connect ... Drawing ...
The independent film was a complete flop when it was first released in 1975. Audiences didn't initially ... Russian explorer Vladimir Arsenyev, "Dersu Uzala" follows the budding friendship between ...
Tokyo Uluslararası Film Festivali'nde "En Ä°yi Yönetmen ... Bayram Veli" rolüyle seyrediyoruz. 4. DERSU UZALA "Dersu Uzala" 1975 yapımı bir Sovyet-Japon ortak filmi olarak ünlü ...
In the summer of 1975, a young director named Steven Spielberg released a thriller called "Jaws." Amid an intensely troubled production, Spielberg hoped the film would do well enough with ...