Rather than responding with words, The Horrors show their appreciation through More Than Life ’s wall of oscillating synths.
Casey Chong with ten creepy slow-burn horror movies to fill you with dread… One of the most interesting things about the ...
Some of the most amusing and iconic characters in cinematic history happen to show up the least in their respective films.
Spring is here and its calling our name! There are loads of educational and fundraising events to help out the community.
A Dothan woman found a new beginning after tragedy struck her life in a cruel and unforgiving way.Some quit in the face of ...
The world’s obsession with The Hands Resist Him has grown in the digital age, sparking a new wave of paranormal discussions ...
The artistic style is similar to Ren and Stimpy, mixed with early web cartoons. It has that “ugly on purpose” look going on, ...
Fashion is an ever-changing landscape, yet some trends stand out as painfully awkward, forever memorializing those ...