Here’s a quick (and, given its 64 pages, necessarily highly selective) summary of Justice Scalia’s opinion for a 5-member majority in District of Columbia v. Heller, invalidating D.C.’s ...
Ed Whelan holds the Antonin Scalia Chair in Constitutional Studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. A regular contributor to National Review’s blog Bench Memos, he has closely covered ...
In the summer of 2008 when I was a rising 3L, I attended an event on Justice Scalia's book, Making Your Case. During the Q&A session, someone asked Justice Scalia what opinion he was most proud of.
In the wake of Friday’s decision by the Supreme Court in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, commentators will have a field day picking apart the case’s implications for separation of powers ...
Judge Raymond Kethledge vigorously defends — and exercises — individual rights under the Second Amendment. On the bench, he has faithfully applied the Supreme Court’s decision in District of ...