[HARDINXVELD-GIESSENDAM] Afgelopen zaterdag gingen drie medewerkers van DIRK voor NLdoet naar Syndion aan de Notarisappel.
Email your suggestions to correspondent Cindy Hval at [email protected]. If Gary Bakken hadn’t been such an attentive son, he might never have met the love of his life. His mother sold clothes at ...
These vegan chocolate cupcakes are perfect for satisfying sweet cravings in minutes. The sponges are microwaved, and the meringue topping is toasted in seconds with a blowtorch. For this recipe ...
With artificial intelligence being such a hot-button topic, it does seem like the right moment for a salient man-vs.-machines film. By the time the singing animatronic bass and He-Man Zagnuts make ...
We drilled the first ever Flat Lake open hole Bakken well and the first open hole multi-lake Spearfish well, applying learnings and expertise gains from our open hole multi-lake Bakken development.
Alfred Hitchcock, de meester van suspense, had een indrukwekkende carrière met meer dan 50 films. Zijn werken sleepten 46 Oscar-nominaties in de wacht en brachten honderden miljoenen op. Toch had hij ...
Begin maart getuigde Yves De Clercq (40) uit Eeklo in HLN dat hij al negen maanden wachtte op een terugbetaling van Neckermann van 1.100 euro. Zijn gezinsreis naar Egypte ging niet door omdat FTI ...
Then in the early part of this century, new technologies such as horizontal drilling caused a U.S. oil boom in Texas fields such as the Permian and Eagle Ford, and in North Dakota's Bakken.
Here’s a quick way to get the homemade cookie flavour but without the faff of divvying up the dough. It’s all made in one pan and cooked slowly on the hob till you have a lovely crust, but a ...