The record-breaking auction of legendary painter MF Husain’s work has thrilled gallerists, art collectors and emerging artists alike, as excitement grows over the “crazy boom” in the art market and ...
For the first time, Amazing Art Expo will host a free pop art and cosplay expo in Norman March 21-23. The expo’s corporation ...
Mike Moretti credits the success of The Art of Picture Framing and The Flipper Room to their ability to pivot, which has ...
The Wests brought back several colorful pieces from a trip last year to South Africa, where they were shooting a film. The ...
A new generation is coming into great wealth, and with new money comes new tastes. What will the new class of collectors want ...
The system is the nexus of campus life. From their sophomore to senior years, students live, eat, and study in one of 12 “Houses.” ...
There’s one name in the Phoenix art scene that everyone knows — and it’s not the most famous artist in town. It’s Lisa Sette, ...
Each year, (201) Magazine spotlights Bergen County artists for its annual Arts Issue. This year's crop features artists originally from Beirut, Hong Kong and the Bronx who create art as unique as ...
The Filipina artist, who has exhibited her work in Monaco and Madrid, is preparing for a significant milestone—her inaugural ...
The Hechyeomoyeo (HCMY) is back in Seoul after a trip down south over the last half-year that took it to Busan, as well as ...
Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot French Inventor 2008 S. Tome E Principe Perforated Stamp: Huh, um, what? For those who don’t know, ...
Unlike many other shapers, Tristan Mausse isn't chasing the masses, he's making classic styles all with deep history in mind, ...