Researchers digitally reconstructed the skull of the ancient Hippopotamus creutzburgi, an extinct dwarf hippo of the Greek ...
Mummified flesh, preserved for centuries, seemed an obvious candidate for treating decay, wounds and internal deterioration.
Compelling fan art imagines a new Predator and Xenomorph hybrid that looks even more formidable than what the Alien vs.
The history of medicine is filled with remedies that, viewed through a modern lens, seem perplexing, misguided or downright macabre. Among these is ...
Du XIIe au XVIIIe siècle, la poudre de momie était un remède prisé en Europe, censée guérir blessures et maladies. Les ...
Apothecaries stocked mummy powder alongside other human-derived medicines such as powdered skull (cranium humanum ... in the 17th and 18th centuries further eroded faith in mumia. As anatomy and ...
L'anatomie systémique est l'étude anatomique des grands systèmes et appareils de l'organisme. L'anatomie macroscopique est l'étude des structures visibles à l'œil nu (ou à la loupe). L'anatomie ...
Their internal ear anatomy suggests speech of some sort was important in their everyday lives, and they could probably make a similar range of sounds as we do. However, they may not have used the ...