Hans, René and the Colonel are imprisoned in Herr Flick's cellar in connection with the location of the various Fallen Madonna copies. Could their days be up? And will a cunning plan involving silk ...
Meanwhile, Herr Flick has devised a plan to send Hitler a forged copy of the Fallen Madonna, and another escape attempt for the airmen is afoot. Bad news for Herr Flick: Hitler wants his painting.
„Einer von uns“ titelt der bald darauf eingestellte Stern-Ableger „View“ vor der WM 2022 und versichert, „der nette Herr Flick“ sei „genau der Richtige“, um das ganze Land „in ...
Herr Flick of the Gestapo begins to investigate the disappearance of a valuable painting, The Fallen Madonna. Meanwhile, Rene is still faced with the problem of getting two British airmen on the ...