In a microwave-safe bowl, mix water with a few drops of dish soap or mild shampoo and leave your beauty blender in it for 30-40 seconds. This effectively kills bacteria and thoroughly cleanses the spo ...
Dr. Bronner's CEO, David Bronner, speaks to SURFER about their decision to leave B Corp and continuing to raise the bar on ...
Khawatir melihat si kecil yang mengalami anyang-anyangan? Inilah beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasinya.
To make any pan nonstick, Gentile recommends using neutral oil with a high smoke point, such as canola, avocado, refined ...
The Joy of Missing Out (or JOMO) is a term coined as the antidote to its opposite number FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Here's ...
I burned the roof of my mouth while drinking extra hot tea about a week ago. It’s slow to heal, and I’m finding it difficult ...
N o matter what the season, I have a hand cream with (or near) me at all times to moisturize my dry skin and counteract any cracking, chapping or eczema patches that might pop up.
This method won’t make your pan nonstick forever, so you’ll likely need to do it after every time you wash your pan with soap and water ... refined coconut oil or vegetable oil.
From paint projects to festive jewelry, bring on the good luck with these simple St. Patrick's Day crafts (decor included!) ...
The kind of language that brands use to describe the best scented candles online can tend to be a bit, well, flowery—if not ...
In their place, use a mild, fragrance-free soap without dyes. Alternatively, ingredients like chamomile, glycerin, coconut oil, colloidal oatmeal, comfrey, calendula, and aloe vera can have a soothing ...