Deployment likely to begin at the end of next March, according to news agency report citing Japanese government sources.
The U.S. Army has stationed a Mid-Range Capability (MRC) missile system in the Philippines since April last year.
Japan Defense Minister Gen Nakatani in a Tuesday press conference refuted reports that the improved Type 12 surface-to-ship missile will be deployed first with units on the main island of Kyushu, ...
As President Trump talks about U.S. dominance of the Arctic, Canada says it will spend billions to defend the region, ...
The federal government will spend more than $6 billion to buy an Australian early warning radar missile detection system and ...
Time and again Monday, elected officials were told industry craves certainty: in funding; in priorities; and in programs.
Turkey’s Atmaca (“Hawk”) anti-ship cruise missile is part of the country’s growing push to rely on domestic systems rather than foreign-produced technologies.
Some U.S. national security experts have taken to calling this group “the axis of upheaval” or “the axis of autocracy,” ...
At the same time, Chinese exports in this direction increased by 15.3% over two months and amounted to $650.45 mln ...
China’s rapid nuclear buildup is raising questions about how the country makes decisions related to nuclear weapons.
Beijing said the drills were in response to recent statements and actions by the U.S. and others regarding the self-governing ...