I have two young kids and I'm in my 50s. I have more patience and less energy, and I wouldn't trade this experience for the ...
A primary school will make a giant domino chain of cereal boxes to support a charity. Holy Cross Catholic Primary School's ...
Inside the halls of Bath Elementary School, you will find Pirates. Not Pirates that take from others though, these Pirates ...
This week in Central Virginia, Founding Father James Madison's 274th birthday at Montpelier, the Chamber's Women of ...
Many poor, harmless fools will choose a nice, rounded time such as half-nine or ten. So, you want to aim for 9.20 or 9.50 ...
An actor needs to find a way into Hollywood somehow, and Jack Black tried to get his through this embarrassingly "lame" first ...
"So Sick" singer Ne-Yo took introduced his four girlfriends to the world after detailing how he is honest with his seven kids ...
The older you get, the more you realize that age really is wisdom, and your elders have been right about a whole lot of ...
NE-YO introduced all four of his girlfriends in an Instagram post on March 8, saying the group is "happy over here" in their ...
Last week’s sermon at Eastgate Baptist Church was based on a passage from the Apostle Paul’s letter written to encourage the Christians in Corinth- and it encourages us too. Paul shows by example how ...