Intraoperative duplex ultrasonography was used to assess the degree of venodilatation of the basilic and cephalic veins before and ... by a clearly identifiable branch point.
The usual course of the cephalic vein is in the delto-pectoral groove ... In this case it may be possible to cannulate the largest branch, but if they are all of similar small calibre it may be better ...
BVT is a useful autologous procedure for hemodialysis and the preferred access alternative in patients without an adequate cephalic vein. Although patencies remain poor relative to other ...
Midlines were defined as vascular access devices inserted in the veins of the upper extremity that terminated in the brachial, basilic or cephalic veins of the arm at or near the axillary line. Thus, ...
Liver lymphangiography, a recently described technique used to visualize the liver lymphatic tree, is performed by injecting contrast through a 25-gauge needle placed under ultrasound guidance in ...