Large landlord Riverside is set to invest around £72m in more than 3,000 homes to deliver energy-efficiency upgrades.
Housing association Gentoo has partnered with RE:GEN Group to improve the energy efficiency of homes across Sunderland. The first phase of work, which benefitted from £2.84m from the government, will ...
Rooftop Housing Group has secured a provisional allocation of £9,021,346 in grant funding through the Social Housing ...
Intrastack, in conjunction with British Gypsum and Isover is offering GypLyner Xternal, a complete Saint-Gobain through-wall ...
A Danish insulation manufacturer is getting ready to build its $175 million plant at Wallula Gap and inviting prospective ...
Nicola Sharkey, UK insights and research lead at Gleeds, advises on product costs for envelope and cladding materials ...