A rare occurence in New York has most likely left an eyewitness traumatized for life as they watched a man munch on a rat ...
Monster Rats Invade Birmingham Streets Amid Fly-Tipping and HS2 Construction Chaos Residents in Birmingham, UK, are in shock as monster rats, some the size of cats ... it’s eating into ...
The rats are huge,' said Kim Blakeman. 'They are like small cats and their tails are really ... they are absolutely everywhere. 'They are eating through our cars, getting into our bins and it ...
BIN strikes have triggered chaos with "rats the size of cats" infesting mounds of rubbish - with "no end in sight". Manic scenes unfolded along the leafy streets of Mosely, in Birmingham ...
THERE are rats the size of cats in this UK city and mountains of rubbish along the streets. Residents have complained that the area "stinks" and you can't turn a corner without tripping over heaps ...
I stopped eating in town years ago,' the ... due to nearby HS2 construction work. 'The rats are huge,' said Kim Blakeman. 'They are like small cats and their tails are really chunky.
Chicago has been named the “rattiest” city for 10 years running, according to pest control company Orkin, and efforts to ...