Almost two weeks after the Bundestag elections, the leaders of the conservative CDU/CSU bloc and the SPD have reached an ...
German lawmakers have reached an agreement to exempt some defense spending from the nation’s tight rules on running up debt.
The CDU/CSU bloc and the SPD have reached an agreement with the Greens on a massive increase in government borrowing, news ...
EXCLUSIVE: Germany's plan to bypass its newly elected Bundestag to lift the Debt Brake has sparked outrage, with critics ...
The agreement between the CDU/CSU, SPD and Greens on changes to the debt brake and the establishment of a special fund also ...
The CDU/CSU bloc and the SPD have reached an agreement with the Greens on a massive increase in government borrowing.
Read the original analysis: German politics experiences another disappointing 24 hours ...
The CDU/CSU bloc and the SPD have reached an agreement with the Greens on a massive increase in government borrowing, news ...
Delegations from Christian Democratic Union Party, Christian Social Union Party, Social Democratic Party meet in capital ...
From Parliament's vice-presidents to committee chairs and delegation leaders, Brussels has its hands in German coalition ...
The leaders of Germany's conservative bloc and the Social Democrats (SPD) have agreed on a common migration policy that would ...
Current Bundestag could pass package next Tuesday, but after that, approval by 2/3 of votes in Federal Council is also ...