“Maximising the proportion of quality grazed grass in the diet of dairy cows will provide the most cost-effective basis for milk production,” writes College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise ...
The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) held its 14th annual Opportunities in Horticulture careers fair for students studying horticulture and floristry at its Greenmount Campus ...
The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) has announced that the total awards from industry bursary and scholarships for the 2024/2025 academic year comes to a total of £96,000.
The National Sheep Association Northern Ireland (NSA NI) Region is thrilled to announce its participation in the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) Bursary Programme for the ...
Be It’ Careers Fair hosted by Mid Ulster District Council on Thursday 6th March 2025 at the CAFRE Loughry Campus in Cookstown. Organised by the Mid Ulster Labour Market Partnership in collaboration ...
Em 31 de janeiro deste ano, o Ministério Público Federal (MPF) iniciou uma ação para obrigar o governo federal e o governo do estado de Rondônia a criar um plano para a erradicação dos búfalos ...
* Lembramos que os preços são referenciais, o Agrolink não realiza auditoria para validar os preços coletados junto às fontes originais. ** As cotações são monitoradas diariamente, suas variações ...
* Lembramos que os preços são referenciais, o Agrolink não realiza auditoria para validar os preços coletados junto às fontes originais. ** As cotações são monitoradas diariamente, suas variações ...