OpenAI's latest model is filling social media streams with Studio Ghibli anime-inspired images—and sparking debate. Here's ...
Keanan and I had a strong connection from the very beginning, both musically and on a personal level. We are truly great ...
Not everything in Cartoon Network’s history has aged well, but some of its classic shows have managed to stand the test of ...
Chris and Coop flip through the pages of western literary anime adaptations. Coop, a new anime season is almost upon us, and ...
Legendary mangaka Osamu Tezuka's son sparks outrage on social media after confirming he is using AI to recreate his father's work.
Two notes: the 21st century technically didn’t begin until 2001, but come on; 2000 videos are allowed. Also, artists and ...
L et's be honest: the best action movies are often better—or at least more entertaining—than the best movies from any other ...
According to this Boruto theory Sarada's Susanoo has a god-tier and underrated ability which Kishimoto may have overlooked in ...
OpenAI’s new image generator has released a surge of Studio Ghibli inspired images that go against the philosophy of the legendary animation studio and Hayao Miyazaki.