Housing experts say there is little data to show that squatting is a widespread problem, much less a growing one.
Construction is an industry with a long history that stretches back thousands of years. Over time, the industry developed its ...
Terms like change order, submittal, superintendent, and substantial completion are familiar to construction industry ...
Judge Selya enlivened his writing with original vocabulary and colorful figures of speech. “Selyaisms” included asseverate, ...
The New Mexico Supreme Court has ruled state courts can order fines for contempt payable to a third party, such as the New ...
“Every restraint of a man’s liberty under the custody of another, whether in a gaol, house, stocks, or in the street, is in ...
Brief for United States 14. But, dictionary in hand, the Government notes that "false" can also mean "deceitful." Id., at 15 (quoting Black's Law Dictionary 748 (3d ed. 1933); alterations omitted).
There is an unspoken fear rising in workplaces across Nigeria, a fear that extends beyond harassment itself. It is the fear ...
The National Toshaos’ Council (NTC), the elected representative body of Guyana’s Indigenous Peoples, has strongly dismissed recent claims made by Venezuela ...
Black’s Law Dictionary 545 (3rd pocket ed. 2006) (defining a “Ponzi scheme” as “[a] fraudulent investment scheme in which money contributed by later investors generates artificially high ...