Through the opening round, the SEC’s 14 teams hold an overall record of 8-6, while the Big Ten is undefeated at 8-0, followed closely behind by the Big 12, which sports a 6-1 record. Elsewhere ...
India Shipping Corp. Plans To Spend $1.3 Billion To Buy 44 Ships In the next five years, Shipping Corp. of India plans to buy 44 vessels totaling 1.95 million dwt, the country's Surface Ministry ...
Taipei [Taiwan], March 22 (ANI): Taiwan detected 47 sorties of Chinese aircraft and seven Chinese vessels until 6 am (local time) on Saturday, a statement by Taiwan's Ministry of National Defence said ...
If you're considering a cruise with Royal Caribbean or Carnival Cruise Line, you're looking at a big-ship experience ... rock 'n' roll, show band or classical — that entertain at various bars and ...
MODEC has signed an agreement with Shell for the operations and maintenance of the floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, to be deployed at Gato do Mato deepwater field off Brazil, ...
The sudden withdrawal of almost half of global funding for nutrition suddenly will have dire consequences for decades.
Movements are published at midday the working day before and will be updated by the Movements team until the end of each working day.