Deep Space Nine has more moving parts than any other Star Trek ending, but every storyline is about the same thing.
Deep Space Nine would have been very different if DS9 followed its original plan to feature TNG's Ro Laren instead of Major ...
Zyskowicz toi esille, että Euroopassa joudutaan lähivuosina panostamaan puolustukseen ja tätä keskustelua käydään nyt ...
Ben Bernstein, 23, from Tzippori in the Jezreel Valley, was murdered by Hamas terrorists while trying to flee the Supernova music festival on October 7. He attended the rave with a group of ...
I bought Benjamin Moore pool paint. The color was fantastic but the quality of the paint was poor. It was pure water and took 4 time to paint the pool to see the paint even. After the two months ...
Tulevien aluevaalien ehdokaslista on valmistunut ja ehdokkaat saaneet äänestysnumerot. Oheisessa listassa ovat Oulun kaupunginvaltuustoon ehdolla olevat henkilöt numeroineen. Kaupunginvaltuusto on ...
Puhakan isosisko murtui kyyneliin oman kuulemisensa aikana. Sisko kertoi värisevällä äänellä tilanteesta Espoossa sijaitsevassa uimahallissa joitakin vuosia sitten. Rolf Nordmo oli siskon mukaan ...
The story of Ben Tennyson, a typical kid who becomes very atypical after he discovers the Omnitrix, a mysterious alien device with the power to transform the wearer into ten different alien species.