Un tavolo sulla sicurezza: lo chiede Paola Bruno, segretaria generale Uil Fpl Puglia Bari-Bat dopo l’ennesima aggressione, ad un rappresentante ...
Viaggio de "Le Iene" nei luoghi della mafia garganica. Nella scorsa puntata, l'inviato Giulio Golia ha ripercorso le tappe ...
You can get in touch with Jordan by emailing [email protected]. Languages: English. A new bat coronavirus that has the capacity to spread to humans, similar to the one that caused the COVID-19 ...
No infections have been detected in humans so far, the CDC said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Monday that the new coronavirus found in bats is currently not a cause ...
Il contrabbando di sigarette, effettuato con gli scafi blu che facevano la spola tra le coste montenegrine e albanesi con quelle pugliesi, fu debellato e anche la legislazione anticontrabbando fu ...
I poliziotti lo hanno raggiunto e bloccato, trovandolo in possesso di 50 stecche di sigarette prive dell'etichetta del monopolio di Stato, per un peso complessivo di 10 kg. Per tali motivi ...
Koukov said when the aircraft came to a standstill, “we were upside down hanging like bats." He added that while he was able to stand upright after unbuckling himself, he said other passengers ...
Chicago: Researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China said they discovered a new coronavirus in bats that enters cells using the same gateway as the virus that causes COVID-19 ...
A new coronavirus in bats, similar to that of the virus responsible for Covid-19, has been discovered by researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, potentially signalling a new risk ...
Scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China have discovered a new lineage of a coronavirus in bats that can enter human cells in a similar fashion as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes ...
When the plane finally came to a stop, Nelson recounted that the cabin was suddenly quiet before the 80 people onboard -- most of whom were hanging upside down bats in the cabin – attempted to ...