In the capital, protesters gather in anger and despair, beseeching the PM to reach an agreement; outside Knesset, cops shove, ...
Others are more precise with their definitions. Some say that “high speed” starts at 125 mph. But others say those trains are ...
After months of dormancy, Columbia SJP allegedly reactivated its Instagram account "three minutes before Hamas began its ...
Russia's Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar attended a conference and event to commemorate Shloshim of Rabbi Dovid Abba Gurevitch, and ...
A Jewish-owned business grows in Manhattan, taking over a space that was once the flagship of yet another Jewish-owned business.
Ohio’s highway system is among the top 10 best in the country, a recent report found. The Reason Foundation, a libertarian ...
(Thoughts shared at Seudat Shlishit at the Maimonides Kehillah, Brookline, MA to mark the recent Yahrzeits of my father-in-law, Abraham Leidner, z”l and my father, Seymour Hefter, z”l) ...
We Will Rock You,” a dystopian British musical performed in around 17 countries, is in production at Baruch College under the lead of Zeynep Akça. The show will run from April 23 to 26 at the Bernie ...
Hillel teaches us “Do not separate yourself from the community.” Do we need the Blue Zones or the American College of Lifestyle Medicine to tell us about the importance of unity and connection? Hillel ...
Recent pro-European demonstrations in Italy saw top liberals call for the EU to rearm. For some, it’s a passionate rallying ...
Photo: Cady Huffman will star in a concert version of Marguerite, Friday, March 28, as part of Prospect Musicals’ Ignite ...