The plan emerges as Microsoft's yearslong update of its headquarters remains unfinished. Called Refresh, the project replaces ...
In a 6-0 vote Wednesday, the Development Review Board approved the Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development's ...
The project is included in the Landing area, an area of Buckeye that the city is aiming to spark growth and density.
Boca Raton, long a stronghold of gated communities, golf courses and retiree-friendly condos, is suddenly in the midst of a ...
The $40 million project would be built on the site of what is now Victoria Crossing East, which houses a Juut salon and the ...
Over 900 new apartments may be developed in Buckeye’s rapidly growing Verrado area, near Verrado Way and Van Buren Street.
Applied Digital's current 380,000-square-foot, high-performance computing facility is expected to begin operations later this ...
PLANS have been submitted by Persimmon Homes for 240 new homes be built on a 2.2 acre site close to York Barbican and next to ...
A former town centre pub in Boston is to be converted into apartments. Boston Borough Council has granted planning permission ...
Abrams Realty, which bought the Chester County shopping destination for $34.25 million, is expected to revise its plans to address concerns about traffic congestion.
Members of the strategic planning committee for Westmorland and Furness Council are recommended to approve plans to build 266 homes on land at ...
Developers are scaling back the number of apartments in their projects to avoid the wage level that kicks in at 100 units ...