Jangan sembarangan memberikan antibiotik kepada anak. Sebab, memang ada antibotik yang aman untuk anak, serta ada pula yang ...
(KUSA) – Doctors are warning people about a painful mix-up: mistaking eyelash or nail glue for eye drops. Health care workers said they ... She said she was “half asleep” and needed to put her ...
You can also visit an optometrist for antibiotic eye drops or creams. In 2018, a California-based Sephora customer sued the store after claiming a Los Angeles-based location gave her oral herpes.
A two-year-old boy could lose his eye after someone with the herpes virus kissed him. Michelle Saaiman, the mother of the toddler, shared the devastating news on her Facebook page, revealing that her ...
With temperatures soaring, Mumbai ophthalmologists and retina specialists say “protect your eyes” as they caution citizens to ...
While some infections will clear up of their own accord, others will need to be treated with medication such as antibiotics, in the form of eye drops or ointment, or antihistamines. Here are the ...
If you wear contact lenses, you should always remember to remove them before going to sleep. Former Bubble Gang cast member ...
The 48-year-old said she tried eye drops and taking an antihistamine ... She said she was heading back to the hospital, where she had antibiotics injected and an MRI to check on her swelling.
Influencer Rob Kenny has taken to social media to share a warning for anyone who wears contact lenses after he was taken to ...
Whether you call it a save-the-day stash or an absolute essentials kit, it contains those five or six things that can make or ...
It may be beneficial for patients who have difficulty applying eye drops or patients who experience ... Warm compresses, daily lid scrub and topical antibiotics usually eradicate the conditions.