A pedestrian who was struck by a vehicle along the Glenn Highway near Boniface Parkway on Friday night died from their ...
The vice-chair of the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal (WCAT) determined a guide driver injured in a November 2018 crash ...
A Highway Pileup in Western Kansas Shows How Dust Storms Can Turn Deadly TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A gust of wind sweeps over bare soil, kicking up enough dirt and dust to cut visibility to nearly ...
A 16-year-old snowmobiler, Tucker Challans from Soldotna, tragically died after triggering an avalanche in Turnagain Pass.
The National Transportation Safety Board says a commuter plane that crashed on sea ice off Alaska and killed all 10 people on ...
Such conditions resulted in a pileup on Interstate 70 last week in western Kansas ... A preliminary investigation found that ...